Pausing for reflection.

As some of you may know I originally started this blog around 2013-2014. At one point in time, I was updating several times a month or even multiple times a week. Sadly, after a few years I lost my hosting with no warning, which wasn’t too upsetting as it was more so disappointing. I would have liked to back up all of my blog posts beforehand but unfortunately, I never got the chance. I can certainly go through the “Wayback Machine” site and pull up most of my old post (sans photos) but that would take a lot of time and effort that I simply do not have the energy for right now.

I made an attempt to restart this blog in 2018 with free WordPress hosting, but keeping it regularly updated was a major struggle. If this site could have actually collected dust it would be covered in inches of it by now because I had not written anything on here since December of 2020. A lot has changed since then, more pandemic stuff… losing my dad. Watching really close friends lose their parents as well. Just sad days in general. Not all of them of course, but a lot more than I would have preferred.

I did however learn to appreciate life and my relationships with family and friends a lot more. Tomorrow is promised to no one; honestly the next hour is promised to no one. Life is a fickle thing.

I do still enjoy writing, but personal blogging may be at a standstill for a bit longer as I navigate through this part of my life. Some things are just too much to share with the entire world wide web, and the other things can generally go on my extravagantGEEK blog since all of my hobbies and adventures tend to revolve around my lifestyle and fit the narrative there.